When Can We See You Again? It's Complicated!

Over the last several months, we’ve received dozens of questions about when we will be able to return to in-person appointments. The truth is that, as much as we want to get back to helping you in person as soon as possible, between guidance from the CDC, the state, the county, and our own commitment to the safety of our staff and clients, the answer is “it’s complicated!” 

As I’m sure you are aware, the guidance surrounding what is and is not safe is a moving target. For a very long time, we assumed that as soon as vaccinations were widespread, it would be safe (and also allowable under government guidelines!) for us to go back into people’s homes. Because the number of individuals who have gotten vaccinated is insufficient for reaching herd immunity, as well as the emergence of more contagious variants mean that our community is still vulnerable, and it is imperative that we still follow strict safety guidelines to help protect both unvaccinated citizens as well as that small, but unlucky percentage who will still be vulnerable to infection after being vaccinated. 


We are trying to develop a plan for how to safely transition back into in-person appointments, but it’s a process. The issues we are facing are nuanced and complicated. Here are just a few of the aspects of re-entering clients’ homes we are grappling with:

  • Even among vaccinated individuals, the CDC and county guidelines vary about what is safe to do indoors for non-essential work. When we work with our clients, we are typically in very close proximity for at minimum, one hour (our onsite minimum), and we are going from home to home. This scenario creates a huge potential for exposure and the risk of us being a vector for spread.

  • Are you vaccinated? What about everyone else in your home? Do you allow unvaccinated visitors (like grandkids)? Will we have to wear PPE in addition to masks (like what doctors wear; face shields, gloves, disposable booties)? When booking appointments, will we have to ask for you to scan and email your vaccination card to us in advance? Do we simply check everyone’s vaccination card at the door? What do we do if you cannot find your proof of vaccination when we arrive? Will we need to send you a list of questions in advance of your appointment, much like you get at your doctor’s office? Or perhaps we simply have you sign a release of liability? You can see how, logistically, this begins to become very complicated for a business to navigate, and how this has the potential for many cancelled appointments, wasted time, and disappointed clients.

  • Finally, the guidelines we have been given by the government are very strict about requiring PPE for employees, as well as adhering to disinfecting protocol for any equipment that is handled. This becomes complicated as we are entering many homes each day. The government is still only allowing IT and Communications businesses to operate in essential situations, but of course they are not specific about what makes something “essential”. In order for us to legally work onsite with clients, we need to parse some of this complicated language (as well as try to keep up with the changes as they are issued!).


We understand how frustrating this is for our clients, especially as more and more businesses choose to reopen. Please know, it is frustrating for us as well, and we are not taking these decisions lightly.

We are actively engaging in these conversations amongst ourselves as well as with our colleagues, business advisors, and those who are developing protocol for congregate living facilities.  We are currently working to develop our own protocol that will keep us on the right side of the law, as well as ensure that our clients and staff are protected. Vaccinations help, but the reality of the situation is that we have not reached herd immunity, breakthrough cases are still occurring in vaccinated individuals, and the more contagious variants remain a threat to the community, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. 

We will continue to keep you all updated with any changes to our policies and guidelines, and we are so grateful for how supportive and understanding you have been through the pandemic. It has been a challenging time for many businesses, ours included. We miss seeing you all in person, and can’t wait for the day it is safe to do so! If you don’t already receive our newsletters, now is the time to sign up so you won’t miss any updates or announcements.