
The Love in The Air is Thicker Than the Smoke

Dear clients,  


Our hearts go out to everyone in this county, especially to those of you who have lost your homes. We all know someone who was evacuated. John, Nancy and I had to leave our homes in the middle of the night but were able to return to our somewhat smoky but intact homes - we feel so grateful. We all know someone who lost a home, business or maybe even a friend, family member or beloved pet. We may have lost a favorite restaurant, veterinarian, or dry cleaners and so on. It doesn't really matter how or where you have experienced a loss, we have all been affected by this disaster on many levels. Our hope for you is that your family and friends come through this safely and with growing strength to move forward.

Over the next few years as Sonoma County rises again from the ashes, we will all heal and become stronger. Our team at Technology Simplified is ready to support individuals and our community to aid a full recovery.

Each of you is in a unique situation, but with respect to computer and digital device issues, we find the following three as most common. We'd love to assist you to get back on track if you are in any of these situations, or something different all together. We can do what we do best- simplify your technology and help you leverage what technology has to offer you.


Total loss and you need help replacing your computers, devices, back ups and networks.

  • Help you assess needs, choose and purchase new systems and devices
  • Acquire and install your software
  • Customize tutorials and training to meet your needs
  • When possible restore your data from backups or other devices
  • Create a back up system to reduce risk

Evacuated and returned to any of a variety of issues, e.g., connecting to network, wi fi or printers, want to move your system, need to sync computers to iPhone and iPads, lost data or just need a check up.

  • Reconnect your network and devices
  • Verify your computer's integrity 
  • Clean up / tuneup your computer and or iOS device
  • Identify and troubleshoot any issues
  • Help you relocate your equipment
  • Create a backup system to reduce risk
  • Provide tutoring or training

At home thinking about back ups in case of another emergency.

  • Check your current back up system
  • Suggest improvements to your current set up
  • Analyze and recommend a new back up system
  • Install new back up system or devices
  • Train you on how to use the back up system
  • Train you how to make your system portable

To ease the burden of getting your technology back up and running again, we would like to offer 10% off all services through November 30th.*


Certainly there are many who could benefit from our assistance. If you would like to refer someone you know and they become a new client, we'd like to give you a 10% discount on your next appointment!! 

*If you pay travel charges they will still apply this offer is good for all services.


Sonoma County Recovers
Complete resource page with links to a wide variety of vetted and official resources

Redwood Credit Union North Bay Fire Relief Fund

United Policy Holders
Non-profit aiding in navigating everything to do with your insurance

Time for Celebration

20 years.png

20 years ago this month I was in college studying graphic design and visual communications. While I was in school I was being asked by my fellow students to help them with their computers. As time went by I was doing more and more computer training and tech support. Viola - Design Solutions was born. Over the years my business has, of course, changed and grown. Two years ago I renamed my business to Technology Simplified. But my original passion for helping people learn to be comfortable using their computers has not and even today, 20 years later, that is still the primary goal of our services. Thank you for being a part of the last 20 years! We are looking forward to working with you for many more.

Thank you everyone for your patience as we transitioned John to a full time technician / trainer. He is now working Monday - Thursday. Now the search begins for another team member. I am very picky about who I am willing to bring into this wonderful business. Rest assured though, that until we have someone else on board, John, Jillian and myself are here to take care of all your computer, iPhone, iPad and Apple needs. Remember we do offer remote appointments using the secure Splashtop SOS software. This is sometimes perfect for a small problem that doesn't require a full appointment.


Tech support remote / phone appointments will be charged* as follows:

remote support.png

5 - 15 minutes
$25 flat fee

16 - 30 minutes
$50 flat fee

30+ minutes
Regular hourly rate

*Payment is taken by credit card at time of service


Wow Apple! Last month you gave us a lot of fun new toys and software. On the anniversary of the first iPhone, September 12th, 2017 Apple held a live event with a moving tribute to Steve Jobs. At this event they also announced 3 new iPhones, a new Apple watch, a new Apple TV, a wireless charging pad and release dates for both Mac OS High Sierra and iOS 11. BUT dear reader - PLEASE you do not have to be first on the block to install either the new Mac OS High Sierra (10.13) or the iOS 11. Here is a roundup of what actually was released and what to expect.

New Software

Image from

Mac OS High Sierra
In this new OS there are definite refinements to the way the Mac OS works and several of the built in apps get some updating of features. You can find out more here.The biggest difference in High Sierra is the change in the way Apple uses the file system. They are transitioning to the APFS or Apple File System. This was introduced on iPhones / iPads with iOS 10.3 and it is now being brought to the Mac. This is a bit of a geeky topic so if you want to know more this article explains it all.


What this means for you dear reader is that there is going to be a transition period during which Apple refines the way this new OS works and now is NOT the time to upgrade. Let Apple work out the bugs on someone else's machine.

iOS 11

iOS 11 is another new iOS for your iPhone and iPad with many interface tweaks and upgrades. Here is the complete list.iOS 11 is a much more robust iOS than we have had in the past and because of this it requires relatively new iPhones or iPads and it drops supports for apps that haven't been updated in a long time. I have been looking at some of the features in iOS 11 and I like them - it is a much more customizable interface and there is now drag and drop support on iPads. But as with any new OS - there is a "shake out" period where undiscovered glitches surface along with bugs that need to be squashed. Also with this new iOS all third party apps require an update.

So just like with Mac OS High Sierra - iOS 11 still needs time to be ready for everyday consumers. Now is NOT the time to upgrade. Let Apple work out the bugs on someone else's machine and give third party developers time to update their apps.

New Hardware

iPhone X


It is known as iPhone 10 in honor of the 10th anniversary. iPhone X is a radically redesigned phone that packs the screen of an iPhone Plus into the same size as an iPhone 7 (or now 8) by removing the home button, the bezels around the screen, and wireless charging. It has added the ability because of a full glass surround to charge wirelessly and it uses facial recognition to log into the phone or access secure features. Read all about it here.

iPhone 8 and 8 Plus

These are essentially a cross between an updated iPhone 7 and 7 Plus and the iPhone X. The iPhone 8's have the new wireless charging available to them and Apple has upgraded many of the internal components including a long asked for improvement to the sound quality of the speakers. Mac Rumors has a great article on both the iPhone 8 & 8 Plus.


Forbes magazine has a very good comparison of all three new phones - the iPhone X and the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus.;

Other hardware: Apple TV v.4 - with full support for 4K TV's and a wireless charger for your iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus called the AirPower.

Apple Watch Series 3
by John Wentworth

Image from

Since the first release of the Apple Watch, one of the biggest limitations was that it needed an iPhone nearby for most of its' functionality: on its own, you could use it to tell time, monitor activity, and a few other things.

The newly-announced Apple Watch Series 3 adds the usual upgrades (faster processor, etc.) but brings with it a huge change: they now include an LTE (cellular) radio as well. This means that the Watch can now make calls, stream music, and do other internet-related tasks while on the go, away from your iPhone. Your dreams of having a true Dick Tracy-style 2-Way Wrist Radio have finally become reality! Battery life while making calls is likely to be quite short, but sufficient for short conversations while out and about.

I've been using Apple Watch since the first release, and have really enjoyed some of the features that they've all had: GPS directions, weather information, replying to text messages, and setting up reminders. With the addition of a cell radio, the Watch can now do all of these things with much more freedom.


In the last few days Apple began pushing this new iOS update out to iPhone and iPads. IF you are prompted to update follow this procedure to "just say no."

no updates.jpg

1. The update to iOS 11 will download automatically on your iPhone/iPad iF you are connected to a wireless network. You cannot prevent this from happening but when you are prompted to install as in this older screen shot to the right - choose the "Remind Me Later" option. You will then be prompted to "install tonight" - just say no and then follow the steps below.

2. To prevent the update from trying to install again, you can delete it from your device with these steps.

Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage > Manage Storage
Scroll through the list of installed apps to find the iOS update app (It will say iOS 11.0.x,) tap on the name, then tap the red "Delete App" option.

3. Next do this step to  "hopefully" prevent the download from updating until you are ready - (sometimes this doesn't work and you will have to delete the updater again as above):

Automatic Updates are enabled by default, so you'll need to turn them off. This won't help with the current update, but it will stop you from getting these messages in future. You do this by: 

  • Going to Settings - tap on it to open.
  • Scroll down to see iTunes & App Stores - tap on it to open.
  • Toggle "Automatic Downloads" to Off IF it is green. If it is not green it is already off. 

BUT remember dear reader - PLEASE you do not have to be first on the block to install either the new Mac OS High Sierra (10.13) or the iOS 11.

Kissing Summer Goodbye

Rocks on a beach

Vacations are a wonderful thing, especially if you get to spend quality time with someone you love and have lots of fun together. This is what I did for two weeks in August. My sister and I spent time in Monterey, went to some fun events here in Sonoma county, and in both places we sat on the beach doing nothing but resting and listening to the ocean. Extremely rejuvenating and relaxing. I'd like to say that I stacked the rocks in this photo but they were just a gift left by some prior beach visitor.

Of course life goes on and change is a part of moving forward. Technology Simplified is saying goodbye to Rob Downard - he has made the decision to return to SRJC full time. Rob has been with us since 2014 and we will miss him. Please join us in wishing him the best as he explores and works toward the next phase of his life.

John will be increasing his hours to be sure all your consulting needs are met.


As a followup to last month's article on a digital assistanthere is a great article on what the various devices can/cannot do.

Apple is gearing up for some big announcements as I mentioned in last month's newsletter. Rumor has it the news will be released during September. We will keep you updated. In the meantime schedule your Tune Up appointment soon so you are ready to upgrade when the time is right. (See our Tuneup offer below!)

IF you are local, here is a great opportunity to learn more about security, ID theft, and safety in this fast changing world. Even better-it's free!! *This is an open to the public meetup.

Identify Theft, Frauds, Scams and Internet Security

Tuesday, September 12, 2017
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Finley Center
2060 W College Ave
Santa Rosa, CA

A FREE presentation open to the public. Tell your friends!
John Guaraglia, 19 year volunteer from the Santa Rosa Police Department Community Outreach will present the latest in Identify Theft, Frauds and Scams, how to identify them and how to avoid becoming a victim.

Additionally, NCMUG will present on how computer users can spot computer threats and best practices to avoid them.

In the meantime please join me at the Windsor Senior Center for a brand new 'iPad Mastery' class!! Registration links are below.

This class is limited to 10 students and it is fully hands on.


Windsor iPad class

iPad Mastery in Windsor
Wednesday, September 20th and Wednesday, September 27th
10:00am - 11:30am

Now that you know how to get around your iPad and use some of the built in Apps you are ready for more!! Topics covered will include an in depth look at customizing your iPad, tips and tricks for making your iPad easier to use. Take control of understanding iCloud and how it works with your Apple ID. See how Safari works as you learn to surf the web and find what you need. Learn how to take and share photos. We will also look at some favorite third party Apps that help in the kitchen, with travel, and more. This class will be taught in a lecture format as well as hands-on; participants are required to bring their own iPads to class. This class assumes a working knowledge of navigating your iPad, sending Mail, etc. Class content can be adjusted to the skill level of the attendees, based upon what works for the majority.


  1. Click on this link
  2. Select "Senior Programs" from choices on the left
  3. Scroll Down the list of Course Categories on the Right to: 

    "Senior Computer - iPad", click "Show Courses"

  4. This page will have all the information you need to sign up.


Is technology addicting

I am willing to bet you have a grandchild, child, or even spouse who seems to have their cell phone in their hand 24 hours a day. If they do happen to put it away for a few minutes - say during a meal - they will find an excuse to pick it up again before the meal is over. Cell phone addiction has become a real concern in today's over connected society. There are numerous studies about the topic and we have all read the news horror stories of accidents caused by people either texting or even just talking on their phones while driving or walking!! Numerous states have some sort of law on the books that prohibits texting and / or using a hand held cell phone while driving. However just driving around town I can see that the 'hands free' law that California has is nothing more than a bandaid and it's abused often. British Columbia has some of the strictest laws and largest fines in place and when we were there no one was on a cell phone!! Very refreshing!!

Here are a few more articles on the topic:

With iOS 11, Apple is adding a new safety feature called Do Not Disturb. When you're driving, just drive. Your iPhone can now sense when you might be driving and prevent you from being distracted by calls, text messages, and notifications. People trying to reach you can automatically be notified that you're driving. I can't wait to try this one out!! I have seen it in action in the beta version of iOS 11 - very cool.;

As technology becomes more entrenched in our lives it will be interesting to see what manufacturers of phones and cars will do next to keep us safe.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter. You can head to my blog and make a comment or two!!


Your Summer Tune-Up includes:  

Tune Up Special
  • Basic verification and repair (as possible) of your Mac OS operating system and hard drive. Updates to the same.
  • Updating any third-party software you run. Removal of any questionable / outdated software.
  • Verification and  consultation about your backups.
  • Verification of syncing your iOS devices.
  • Each appointment includes approximately 30 - 45 minutes of time for questions and/or training.

Call Today
to book an appointment with John, our Technology Simplified Tech/Trainer.   

* Offer does not apply to troubleshooting / diagnostics or major Mac OS upgrades. Appointments must be booked by 9/21/2017 and completed by 10/12/2017. Limited to the first 20 appointments.

Printers, Toners, and Ink; Oh My!

Plus my First Ever Printer Recommendation
by Robert Cates Downard

Every so often I hope to show you the gadgets and computer accessories that I love the most and the ones I recommend. You'll learn why I make the choices I do and hope that the knowledge you get from this will help you make an informed decision on your next purchase. This is not an ad. All of my reviews are based on products that I have purchased or have used without any form of payment from any company who makes or sells these products. I get nothing out of it other than knowing the people I help will get what they need.

Today's goal it to help you choose the right printer for you. I will mainly be discussing options for individuals and small businesses (under 10 users); of course your needs may be different but at least you'll get a general idea of what to look for. I also won't discuss the extra bells and whistles like scanning or faxing because most printer these days that come with them are too similar to make any difference in someone's purchase of a printer. Scroll to the bottom to see what my very first printer recommendation is after 15 years in this industry. Hope it helps!

Printer Trials & Tribulations

Let's first have a little chat about why we all despise our printers from time to time. I don't think I've met a single person on the planet who would say that their printer works perfectly 100% of the time. It's just not possible. Too many parts are made of plastic. They need lubrication and over time, dust and debris clogs the belts and gears. Repairs often cost as much as a new printer. Every model is just a little bit different from one another. There are literally hundreds of different models to choose from. The software and drivers to run them don't always work with the computer operating system. Ink can expire. Paper gets jammed. Wi-Fi loses connection.

UGH! It's seems like a potential mess no matter where you turn, but it's sort of a grass-is-always-greener kind of thing. One person has a bad experience with EPSON and switches to HP while someone else has it bad with HP and goes to Canon... With all the negative reviews surrounding every single printer you look at and the above listed headaches, I hope you understand why I cautiously recommend what I do. There is always the chance of getting something defective from the factory, but it's usually a very easy process to exchange what you get if you keep your box during the return period. After that almost everything else can be resolved over the phone with the manufacturer. Bear in mind most negative reviews are simply bad luck or have to do with an issue on the computer.

So now, lets' talk about the two primary types of printers. 

Inkjet Printers

Inkjet printing is a type of computer printing that recreates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto paper, plastic, or other substrates. Inkjet printers are the most commonly used type of printer, and range from small inexpensive consumer models to expensive professional machines. (Source: Wikipedia)

As we've all come to learn, the money made by the printer companies is on the ink they sell and not the actual unit. In 2013, Consumer Reports published that even the cheapest ink will run $13 an ounce. At that rate, it's like buying a $325 bottle of wine! Companies aren't even shy about it anymore, offering subscription bargains for regular ink delivery. Even then you're still spending thousands of dollars on ink over a printers average lifespan.

But the ink made by the manufacturers are typically the highest quality ink you can buy. That means the colors are vivid and true to life and the colors will stay on the paper for as long as possible. Many bargain inks are diluted and may not look as good or last as long. Some are better than others and you may already have a favorite brand, but for ink I feel it's easier to stick with the original manufacturer.

Inkjet printers, are best for pictures and are good for all around general use. Pictures printed with your average color inkjet printer will look stunning and rivals that of a 1-hour photo shops who develops them (just as long as the digital camera you took the picture from is a high enough resolution). If you print a lot of pictures with your printer, you basically have to invest in an inkjet ecosystem. There are other printers specifically built for photos only and are even better but, you guessed it, costs more money.

Printers that offer separate cartridges for each color are a cheaper over time verses printers that share one cartridge for all colors since you only have to replace the color that runs out. If you get any inkjet printer, I highly recommend getting one that uses separate ink cartridges.

Another way to save some money on ink is participating in recycling offers from places like Office Depot, for example. If you sign up for their free membership and give them your old empty ink cartridges, they will give you a couple dollars here and there for store credit. Even if the store you go to doesn't offer a deal like that, I still highly recommend recycling empty ink cartridges so they can be properly recycled.

Laser Printers

Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process. It produces high-quality text and graphics (and moderate-quality photographs) by repeatedly passing a laser beam back and forth over a negatively charged cylinder called a "drum" to define a differentially charged image. The drum then selectively collects electrically charged powdered ink (toner), and transfers the image to paper, which is then heated in order to permanently fuse the text and/or imagery. (Source: Wikipedia)

Laser printers use toner and costs significantly less to operate verses inkjet printers. Obviously, they sound cooler because they do in fact use lasers, but the downside is the image quality. When printing a photograph, colors often look dull and muted verses the same image printed from an inkjet printer of the same price. In most cases you will find that a color laser printer costs substantially more but you will find a plethora of reasonably priced black and white or grayscale laser printers.

Laser printers are best for bulk printing needs, especially for documents, texts, and drafts. Buying toner for them (toner is basically just dried ink power) cost much less per page than a similarly priced ink cartridge. An ink cartridge will last roughly 200-300 pages, while a toner cartridge will last about 500 to 3,000 pages. The convenience factor alone in not having to change cartridges all the time is a huge benefit. So if you print a lot of documents, receipts, invoices, memos, faxes, emails, etc., look no further than a laser printer. It is your best value with basic black/gray laser printer being the appropriate choice for average people. Color laser printers are a lot more expensive but the cost per page savings over inkjet still holds true.

The downside to laser printers (besides photo quality) is the power usage on startup or waking from sleep. I mention this because there are plenty of rural pockets in Sonoma County where power may not be as reliable. While this isn't an issue for most homes, laser printers do draw an extra boost of electricity at first and then they hum along idly while it's actually printing. This may cause issues if your building has older wiring or you have a lot of other electronics connected to the same breaker switch. It is possible for a laser printer to cause a short. I see it happen mostly for people who have an electric room heater on at the same time. This can be negated by using a battery backup for your computer and anything else that isn't the printer, as it will keep a steady flow of power to all your other electronics even when there is a spike in usage from the printer. Plus having one of those in case the power goes out isn't such a bad thing anyway and is money well spent. For newer homes, this may not be an issue.

Toner cartridges should also be recycled properly and should not just be dumped in any of your regular bins. Color laser printers always use separate cartridges for each color and their size is much larger than one that only uses black toner or a color inkjet printer. Laser printers print faster and are often times quieter than inkjet as they warm up very quickly. Replacing a toner cartridge may also be more challenging for some users but that's just because of their larger size, each cartridge is a little bit wider than a standard sheet of letter/ legal paper and weigh about as much as a new iPad.

What to Get

Now that you have had a short lesson on the two main types of printers and what they can do, it's time to decide on what printer to get. For people who do not print a lot, just get yourself an inkjet printer. If you print a lot and it's a lot of everything, you may want to consider owning two printers. One that's inkjet for when you do nice photos or need something printed in color, and then a black and white laser printer for just about everything else. If you print a lot of color documents like brochures, maps, or other things that don't need to be printed at a very high quality, than a color laser printer will be a great idea.

Unfortunately, I do no have any laser printers that I personally can give my stamp of approval on. The only one that comes close is a black and white model from Brother, HL-L2340DW. It's usually priced under $100 and a single toner cartridge costs about $20 for 1,500 pages when I buy them from Rosewill. The thing has been running like a champ for me and a few of my friends who also own it. It's very popular with students. The only problem I have with it is the way it gets set up for wireless leaves a little bit to be desired. But once it's set up it will work great. There are even versions of it with scan/fax capabilities if desired.

Drum roll please! Now for the recommendation you've been waiting for... It's the Canon MX922!

The Canon MX922 color inkjet printer scans, faxes, and is quite possibly the best all around printer ever sold to consumers. After years of walking into people's homes and seeing all the worst case scenarios, this was by far the one printer in every home that always worked properly. It's a printer that's never had a single complaint from those I've helped personally. I run into them everywhere and I finally bought one for myself. It's very easy to set up and compatible with AirPrint. That means you can print wirelessly from your iPhone and iPad. I bought mine for under $100 as well. But replacing all the ink costs roughly $90 when I get the XXL sized packs, but I find that Costco has the lowest prices on Ink for this printer at about $80 for all five cartridges (two for black and one for each primary color).